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Pediatric Eye Care covers a wide range of evaluations and treatments. Dr. Sorkin is committed to providing eye care for patients from infancy through their teenage years and beyond; treating conditions from normal screening to the most complicated eye diseases. Your child’s pediatrician is most likely the first stop in routine vision screenings. If however, the pediatrician determines further evaluation is needed, they will refer your child to Dr. Sorkin.

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The following are some of the most commonly seen conditions that would require evaluation and treatment by a pediatric ophthalmologist, like Dr. Sorkin:

Myopia: Commonly known as nearsightedness, is a refractive error where distant objects appear blurry, while close-up vision remains clear.

Amblyopia: Poor vision in one or both eyes that develops during childhood in an otherwise normal eye. The condition is sometimes called “lazy eye” .

Childhood Strabismus: Strabismus is the medical term for eye misalignment, also known as crossed eyes or wandering eyes. This usually develops between birth and age 5.

Genetic Sydrome: Dr. Sorkin is often asked to evaluate patients with multiple genetic disorders. Many eye conditions are associated with certain systemic conditions.

Blocked Tear Ducts: This condition occurs when the eye’s drainage system for tears is either partially or completely obstructed.

Adult Strabismus: Dr. Sorkin sees adults who have a persistent misalignment from a previous childhood strabismus or who have developed double vision.

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Dr. Sorkin is happy to care for your child. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to maintaining your child’s eye health.