
If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes, it is important to have a yearly eye exam. Our ophthalmologists strongly recommend keeping these regular checkups, so if you do develop a minor problem, it remains minor and if you happen to develop a major problem, it is treated immediately and treatment is initiated promptly.

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Patients with diabetes, do have a higher risk of blindness than patients without diabetes, however, most patients with diabetes have nothing more than minor eye disorders. Our ophthalmologists will perform a comprehensive eye exam that will include dilating your eyes to allow a good view of the entire retina.

Controlling your blood sugar levels is crucial in maintaining healthy eyes. High blood sugars increase your chance of having significant eye problems. Diabetics have an increased risk of developing a disorder of the retina. Diabetic Retinopathy is a general term for all disorders of the retina caused by diabetes. Your ophthalmologist may refer you to one of our 3 retina physicians for an evaluation and perhaps treatment. Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy would include eye pain, “floaters” (small spots which block the ability to see clearly), blurry vision and partial or total loss of vision.

The retina is a very thin, but complex tissue that lines the back of the eye. It is composed of millions of cells, including photoreceptor cells that sense light and send images to the brain. The most common diseases of the retina are diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and retinal detachments. All these conditions are very serious and if left untreated, can lead to vision loss.

By seeing one of our retina physicians, we can guarantee swift treatment for our patients. A retinal examination is the only way to diagnose retina disease and treatment can be initiated before the patient begins to experience serious vision problems.